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Schedule a speaker

Help UOV educate fellow citizens about the human right abuses in Ethiopia and the United States’ role
in keeping a corrupt government in power by scheduling an UOV speaker or presentation for members
of your place of worship, social or civic groups. UOV will work with you to bring an excellent program
which fits the needs of your group.

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Thank you for joining the latest panel discussion at United Oromo Voices.

Send a message to your Federal House member and MN Senators regarding House Resolution 128 and Senate Resolution 168. United Oromo Voices can send you pre-printed postcards.  Contact us at: unitedoromovoices@gmail.com Please include who is your House member or your address, would you be interested in additional packets to distribute to friends and family and the address to mail the postcard packets.


Join a Committee

Please support UOV by joining a committee. We welcome people with experience and expertise and those who are new to the committees’ work.  UOV working committees are:

Out Reach

Skills needed: outgoing people person, ability to articulate UOV mission, listening and collaborative skills


Skills needed: writing and speaking skills, social media skills, advertising and public relations experience, media savvy

UOV Government Oversight

Skills needed: strong organizational skills, understanding of organizational structure, strong writing skills


Skills needed: organizational skills, strong research abilities, strong writing skills


Skills needed: deep understanding of political process, strong analytical skills, writing and communication skills               

In Reach

Skills needed: diplomacy, respect in the community, ability to listen, strong communicator and collaborator